Don’t wonder, don’t wring your hands, and go back and forth. It It is a solid Stoic philosophy of total responsibility, no excuses – it doesn’t matter what got you here, it only matters what you do now.
#Discipline equals freedom summay how to#
I’m not sure Jocko has a “golden mean” and he certainly doesn’t spend time defining it in this book – this is a prescriprion for how to stay focused and aggressively pursuing your own best self, always, every day, without pause, without question, without apology. It is Aristotle’s prescription for erring in the direction where you are weakest in order to find that “golden mean” of virtue that works for you, between excess and deficiency. Though I think he misses some important nuances, I love it. Embody a positive, aggressive attitude, with no apologies, and no excuses. Develop and strengthen your self-discipline. It is written in brief, simple, almost aphoristic style – two page chapters that grab you by the throat, tell you to quit whining and get on with it. It is a high-testosterone, aggressive, uncompromising, no-nonsense prescription for developing and maintaining a warrior mindset. Reflecting its author, this book is direct, intense, and unpretentious. My impressions: This was my second time reading this book and I enjoyed it and learned from it again. He also addresses his philosophy on where and how to apply discipline in physical training, diet and nutrition, sleep, martial arts, humor, death, compromise, negative talk, and more – it is a compendium of Jocko’s recipe to become and be a warrior. There are no easy ways, no hacks – getting better means having the discipline of focus and daily practice, and with it you can become better, stronger, smarter, faster, healthier and it will set you free. Summary in 3 sentences: There is only one way to getting better at anything: Discipline. I lead a reading group for SEAL candidates and we agreed on this book. Why this book: Widely read by SEAL candidates and includes great advice for life for anyone, and especially for young men aspiring to be SEALs.